Friday, February 28, 2014


If you don't want to be sad anymore then don't be. You are choosing to be sad when you should be choosing to be happy. Life is what you make it so stop being so negative all the time. Seriously you have to find the positive things in every situation even if it's just something small. Like if you hate mondays, don't be negative about it! Be positive, it's one more day closer to Friday!! If your girlfriend or boyfriend just broke up with you look on the bright side, now you have more time to do the things you love to do, you spend less money and you have more time with your friends. 

Another thing is to stop associating with negative people. If you're around people who are negative all the time then you're going to start being negative too. If you are around people who are always smiling and are nice and caring and funny then that will rub off on you and it will make you a lot happier. Don't be around people who are always putting you down and calling you names and judging you.. You don't need to be around that. I don't care if it's your best friend or your brother, stop hanging around that person or those people. 

Just be you. No matter what you do there are always going to be that group of people who just don't like you or what you're doing/wearing/saying. So who really gives a damn? Not me that's for sure! If you love to dance then dance! If you love to sing then sing! Do whatever you love to do! Don't let other peoples opinions make you stop doing/wearing/saying what you love. Honestly I have this friend.. or old friend.. that would always comment on what I was wearing or doing or saying. She told me that I was a loser or a faggot or weird after everything I said and it got to a point where I started believing that I was a loser.. and i'm not. I am just plain old simple me. 

If you are feeling like you can't do any of the things I just told you and you are sad or depressed then talk to somebody.. Just simply vent about how you feel because if you hold your feelings inside then all of your feelings will just build up inside you and just keep getting worse! If you are feeling suicidal here is a suicide hotline, if you don't have a cell phone then here is a website that you can visit to seek help. I hope if you are reading this you realize that life is beautiful, you're just making it seem ugly by being negative. Be positive and I promise everything will get better. :) 

Suicide Hotline; 
Need help? In the U.S., call 1-800-273-8255
Suicide Website;

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